Married Couples Ministry

Sister Cheryl Calhoun


The Married Couples Ministry welcomes you with open arms and open hearts. Our ministry has been established to bring together those who are married and those who are seriously thinking about getting married. As you branch off in a new avenue of life, "The Freewill Married Couples Ministry” is reaching out to encourage you on your journey through the Word of God and fellowship. Marriage is composed of three people -  God, the Husband and the Wife.

The Married Couples Ministry is truly after God’s own heart.  We strive to present our marriages before God. Our goal as a ministry is to allow God to transform ladies into a Proverbs 31 woman and men into an Ephesians 5 man.

Once God has done his work, he will bring both of you into a I Corinthians 13 love. A love that is unimaginable, a love that truly can’t be explained, and a love that can only come from God. Always remember Mark 10:9, “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder”.

Our Ministry meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 12:00 noon,  rotating every other month between teaching and outings. With God’s help, the ministry strives to keep love alive and strong. We have planned the following outstanding events for the upcoming months.

All White River Boat Dinner Cruise
Married Couples Picnic
Married Couples Prom
Outstanding teachings from our very own Pastor Edward J. Nettles, Sr.

We pray that you will choose to be a part of this ministry so that your marriage can be on fire for God.

If you would like to be a part of this wonderful ministry, please feel free to contact one of the following committee members below:

Deacon Eric & Cheryl Calhoun ( 334) 517-8912
Deacon Tony & Jackie Wagner (334) 202-0512
Deacon Thomas & Tasha London (334) 207-8865
Deacon Kenneth & Daisy Bolden (334) 517-5855
Melvin & Daphne Parks (334) 717-3178
Roderick & Salena Burden (334) 233-3819
Robert & Theodora Stovall (334) 333-9935