

Our Heart to Give

At FMBC, we believe that God’s plan for our life is one that also includes His plan for our finances. While the talk of money may be scary to some, we understand that the more we learn about God’s plan for our finances and how we can honor Him with our money, the more freedom and joy we will experience.

The word of God teaches that giving (more specifically tithing) is an act of worship and a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. – When we give, we are reprioritizing our finances by remembering that God is first – not us, and not what we have.

At Freewill, there are 3 primary reasons we give …

  • Giving demonstrates that we put God first as shown in 1 Chronicles 29
  • Giving helps us follow God’s example as shown in John 3:16
  • Giving redirects our heart. Every time we willingly give a portion of our income back to God, we are fighting a spiritual battle with selfishness

Here’s how we give at FMBC…

Tithe and Offering

We believe in giving God our first fruits which is 10% of our earnings.  This is a biblical principle found throughout scripture. The Bible also teaches us that tithing was not created for God’s benefit. Instead, tithing is for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income helps us look outside ourselves and makes us more aware of the needs of others.

In fact, one main purpose of tithing at Freewill is to support the Vision of the ministry and the outreach work we do within and beyond the walls of FMBC. 

However, you choose to give, know that we Thank You for your support of the Freewill Ministry, but more importantly, for your support of the Kingdom of God.

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Give — Summit Point Church
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